How we see the world around us, react to situations we have to face and what we say to ourselves in our own minds...
Riding the roller coaster of life can sometimes be unpleasant, a constant battle of survival and exhausting
This workshop will give you tools to help you take life challenges face on, find sources of self empowerment and look into changing your perception from challenges becoming rewarding lessons !
You will take lessons from journeying 4 directions of the Medicine Wheel to gain guidance and understanding from your subconscious
Gain understanding of Divination to help change your perception of "difficult times"
Take a journey with deep diaphragmatic breathwork through power, into surrender, letting go and releasing
Bring packed lunch, water, note pad, pen and cushions if needed (the Dojo floor is full matted, but we will be on the floor all day).
The exchange is discounted to £50 for the whole day, £15 deposit will secure your place. You can pay the outstanding in advance or on the day.
Due to the nature of the workshop, time is needed for integrations throughout the day. Hence a maximum of 10 participants.
!Please note the Warrior Quest Dojo is on the 3rd floor and there is no lift!